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Image of Renee Koudstaal

Renee Koudstaal

Imago expert/ auteur / speaker / Parisienne
In three words: enterprising, enjoying, traveling
cup of coffee
With milk, real milk and lots of sugar.
This interview has been translated, the original language is: Dutch

Short introduction

What are you proud of?
My choice to put freedom at the center of my life. And to allow others the same.
In your free time, what do you like to do most?
Going after my curiosity which oha means looking for something beautiful, unknown, profound... that combined with pure superficiality like finding the perfect 501 jeans.
Did you know that I…
Set up my own brand from Paris, Renee K. With an online community, an e-course (More Paris in your closet) and the book "Live like a Parisienne, even if you're heartily Dutch."
Where would you go in a time machine and with whom/why?
A lunch lasting hours with Simone Weil, have already learned a lot from her but also have many questions....

Renee's Recommendations

What is your favourite movie?
Haven't. Did film school in Paris and absolutely impossible to make a choice since then. But as soon as I see Steve McQueen I'm happy.
What book would you recommend?
Le Deuxième Sexe by Simone de Beauvoir, unfortunately still up to date.
Can you recommend a good restaurant?
Lots of them! All in Paris (my cityguide is about to come out), but definitely Chez Georges, Les Enfants du Marché and all the brasseries with a good steak frites.
Do you have another cool tip for us?
The Musée Carnavalet, in 75003, tells the history of Paris. Beautiful building, lovely courtyard, nice cafe/restaurant. And free.

Last but not least

What is your favourite quote?
I accept the great adventure of being myself
Who would you like to see in this section?
Liesbeth Staats, we share our vision of women's financial independence and, in that sense, freedom.
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