Title Natuursteen now falls under Steengoed Vakmedia

Steengoed Vakmedia

The title Natuursteen has recently become part of Steengoed Vakmedia. Previously, the magazine, website, and newsletter were part of Sanders Media (SENS Media). Steengoed Vakmedia was founded on October 3 by Wilbert Leistra and Peter Vorstenbosch. Natuursteen specifically targets the entire natural stone industry in the Benelux, aiming to reach all stonemasons and natural stone businesses in the region. The magazine is published 8 times a year with a circulation of 1,650 copies. Covering a wide range of topics such as management, memorials, interviews, company profiles, innovations, and technical developments, Natuursteen provides relevant information and inspiration for professionals in the sector.

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Mathijs van Bergen
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At work, black; on the weekend, a Flat White

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