Advertising sales for Geo-Informatie Nederland (GIN) to Geomares Publishing BV

Geo-Informatie Nederland (GIN)

From 2025, Geomares Publishing will handle advertising sales for Geo-Informatie Nederland (GIN). Previously, this was done by Performis. GIN consists of the magazine Geo-Info, a website, and a monthly newsletter. These platforms are aimed at professionals and organizations in the geo-information sector, including surveyors, geodesy experts, cartographers, earth observation specialists, and policymakers in land and property management. Geo-Info is published four times a year and covers developments in the field. The website and newsletter provide additional news, job listings, and opportunities for content contributions.

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Image of Mathijs van Bergen
Mathijs van Bergen
Sales Teamlead  at Mediahuis
In three words: Enthusiastic, Positive & Energy
cup of coffee
At work, black; on the weekend, a Flat White

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