NOM circulation figures 2022 Q2 to 2023 Q1 in Retriever

NOM oplagecijfers 2022 Q2 t/m 2023 Q1 in Retriever

The new NOM circulation figures 2022 Q2 to 2023 Q1 have been published in Retriever. NOM collects, monitors and certifies print circulation of news media, magazines and trade magazines. Over 200 titles are affiliated in the circulation register; they represent about 90% of all media spending in print media. NOM circulation publications are based on a rolling annual average of publisher statements. Publishers report average quarterly figures and NOM checks these figures and publishes a moving weighted annual average four times a year.

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Thomas Timmermans
Head of mediasales FD Business at FD Business is onderdeel van FD Mediagroep
In three words: Cheerful, open, and driven.
cup of coffee
Preferably decaf with a bit of milk. And alongside it, a delicious piece of dark chocolate with whole hazelnuts. Man, that's pure enjoyment!

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