Publisher West Media to continue under the name 'Rodi West Media'

Rodi West Media

As of October 26, Publisher West Media continues under the name Rodi West Media. A new logo has also been introduced. As a result of this change, the door-to-door newspapers will now be referred to as 'Nieuwsblad' followed by the name of the relevant region. For example Nieuwsblad Westland (v/h Het Hele Westland), Nieuwsblad Midden-Delfland (v/h De Schakel Midden-Delfland) and Nieuwsblad Den Haag edition Centrum-Laak (v/h De Posthoorn edition Centrum Laak). All changes can be found in Retriever.

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Mathijs van Bergen
Sales Teamlead  at Mediahuis
In three words: Enthusiastic, Positive & Energy
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At work, black; on the weekend, a Flat White

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