WILD FM and GLXY.RADIO Expand Reach via DAB+ and FM


WILD FM, the regional dance station, can now be received in all major cities via DAB+. Thanks to a new partnership with GLXY.RADIO, WILD FM's FM frequencies in North Holland and Flevoland were transferred to GLXY Radio, a station focusing on hip-hop, rap, R&B, and Afro music, as of Monday, June 3.

Bart Meuleman of GLXY.RADIO sees opportunities: "The partnership with WILD FM offers new possibilities in Amsterdam, a city where GLXY.RADIO fits well."

Wild FM owner Bas Emons is responding to the shift to online and DAB+: "Expanding our coverage area is a priority."

The collaboration is seen as a win-win situation: WILD FM gains a larger broadcast area via DAB+ and GLXY.RADIO gets FM support.

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